From Tortugero it was back to La Fortuna / Arenal for a day. The boat trip back to the bus let me see a baby croc and get a decent photo of the Jesus Christ Lizard (I think so called because it can walk on water by running fast). Just as we reached the drop off the heavens opened and stayed open. It was a little bit damp.
The drive to La Fortuna was ok. Things dried up eventually and I got to practice a bit of Spanish with my driver. I wasn't feeling great again though (tummy upset), the day at La Fortuna and was also grey and rainy the whole time, so I just veged, paid a quick visit to the hotel's hot pools in the rain, which wasn't terribly thrilling, and slept a lot.
Next day was up sharp for another long drive to Tamarindo in the province of Guanacaste. Very different there, mostly flat, pretty sunny too, and thankfully no rain. Lovely beach with a variety of seabirds fishing.
Willet (non-breeding adult) |
Caspian Tern (possibly Common Tern?) It was huge (for a tern). |
Brown Pelican |
In order to do something other than wander along the beach, I booked a snorkeling trip. We had a nice day for it, though it was a bit windy and by the time we got out to the islands we were supposed to swim at, it wasn't for for swimming, so we went back to the coast for some more sheltered spots.
I had the fortune to bump into these two Canadian reprobates on the bus there (Susan and Chris), and we struck up a friendship. They have since posted mildly embarrassing photos of me on Facebook, so I think they must have liked me.
The snorkeling was reasonable and we saw a good variety of things. Angel Fish, an Eagle Ray, a variety of puffer fish including one that was enormous (no, not me, you rude and insensitive buggers!)
Big clam of some sort |
Scottish Blubberfish |
Sub-Aqua-Selfie! |
Some mermaids |
Chris proudly displaying the results of failing to apply sun screen evenly. (She said it was OK to post this) |
Then, in the boat on the way back, we were lucky enough to get both Dolphin'd and Booby'd
Brown Booby |
In the evening we girls all went out for sushi and had a fab time!
See you soooon!