Sunday, 22 July 2018

Should I stay, or should I go?

On Tuesday this week, the chap from the British Heart Foundation is turning up to take away my unwanted furniture, and any other unwanted bits and pieces.  This weekend has been an interesting process of going thropugh all my stuff and deciding what I want to keep (and therefor will  have to transport to Glasgow, and store for the duration), and what I don't.

It's been hot and sweaty work in this heat, but I think I'm pretty much there now.

Other than a few bits and bobs, pretty much everything in the garage didn't seem worth keeping.

A large amount of things in the loft went up into the loft when I moved in, and haven't been out since, so that's going (saving a few mementos and nick-nacks).  I hadn't realised a: how much was still up there, and b: how much effort would have been involved in trying to bring all of it down the ladder myself, so a huge thanks to Naomi, Paul and Anna for helping to get everything down from the loft. Just passing it all down was 200% easier than it would have been trying to do all of that myself! 

Also, special thanks to Anna for putting my xmas decorations up one more time!  There's tinsel everywhere!  :-)

To Go! More to go! To keep.

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