This is my first ever blog post, and it's bound to be rubbish.
Suck it up and send me feedback, I'm trying to learn!

So... I have done it. I have handed in my notice at work, am selling my house, and am
What started all of this madness then?
I've been working down here in England doing Software testing for nearly 20 years now, first at IBM for 12 years, and now at Perforce for nearly 7. The people are lovely, and it's still a good place to work, but I felt it was time for a change (there may well have been a case of 'the grass is greener' going on). A year or so ago I decided to start looking for 'other opportunities'. I didn't find any locally (well, none that wanted me), so started looking further afield. I had decided a long time ago, that if I was going to move house for a new job, it would be back to Glasgow to be closer to family and old friends.After going through a few interviews for Glasgow and Edinburgh based jobs, I was chatting with my brother (Simon) who casually mentioned that if I was seriously looking at changing job and moving house, I should contemplate making use of the break and take some time off to go traveling.
I couldn't think of a single good reason not to do that.
Mum and Dad, who have not long returned from 8 years away cruising the Med for their retirement, couldn't think of any good reasons why not either. I was sure they would come up with something, but nope, nothing.
And that was it. The start of my mid life crisis.
More to come!
Go for it! It’s a brilliant idea to do this while you’re young and healthy enough to really make the most of it :)
ReplyDeleteIt's a brilliant plan and I look forward to reading about your adventures.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks Roxann!