Monday, 3 June 2019

Borneo - Kota Kinabalu

And so to Borneo! Well, it wasn't supposed to be Borneo, it was supposed to be Sri Lanka, but with the terrible bombings there a week or so before, and a UK government warning against all but essential travel, I decided to play it safe and not go. A call with Trailfinders came up with a few options, the best sounding was Borneo. Who wouldn't want to go see orangutans!?

It was after I'd arrived in Kota Kinabalu that I started looking in earnest at what I was going to do for my week there, and on discussion with the driver taking me to the hotel I found out that the hotel I was booked into, whilst trez posh, was also bloody miles from any ourangutans! The 'wildlife' bit of Bornean Malasia is aparently over the other side, 7 hours drive or 30 minute flight away.

I swithered for a while, then decided to bite the bullet and see if Trailfinders could move me closer to the wildlife. You might have gathered from my previous posts that the bits I'm really enjoying are the wildlife rather than luxury hotels or big cities. With some looking about, Trailfinders got me a return flight for £200, and a hotel for 5 nights for just over £100. I've not heard back yet whether I'll get any money back from the 5 star resort I stayed in, as I only spent 2 nights there rather than the 7 I payed for, but Trailfinders were hopeful.

The breakfast buffet there was fantastic, and I had to get photographic evidence. In spite of the number of donuts there I only actually had one.

Anyway - I was here at Rasa Ria for a day, and as they have their own private nature reserve, I made good use of it and went on a few walks. Turns out that 3 years ago they did have some orangutans in the reserve, but that they weren't there any more - this might be why Trailfinders though it would be a good place for me.

On the 7am 'morning' walk we didn't see too much, though apparently the group on the 5am 'breakfast' walk had been inundated with monkeys. There were some squirrels and possibly a pygmy squirrel too, and a variety of insects, along with some nice views.

Hole made by a Carpenter Bee. It's 2 inches long.
Due to the heat and humidity, I then spent most of the day in my nice air conditioned room blogging or snoozing. I've discovered that I now have very little desire for lying in the sun or getting all sandy on a beach, and plenty to do to catch up on this darned blog!

The evening sunset was lovely, followed by a night walk in the reserve. This was more fruitful, and kicked off with a snake and bearcats (racoon-like beasts, though quite cute!)

A good variety of insects and arachnids, with a weta, trantula, scorpion, scarab of some sort, and a really quite scary looking spider, about an inch long.

This guy's back is 1 inch across

Next morning was up at 4am to get to the airport in time for the early flight to Sandakan. The flight took me right past Mt Kinabalu and it was rather lovely. Aparently some people climb it for fun (I'm looking at you here Ali and Dougie), but I was quite happy with a fly-past.

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